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28+ Is Thalassemia Anemia UK

28+ Is Thalassemia Anemia UK. Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder that affects the body's ability to produce hemoglobin and red blood cells. Β0/β0 is the most severe form.

Thalassemia - Wikipedia
Thalassemia - Wikipedia from upload.wikimedia.org
Each individual case is unique. People with thalassemia disease are not able to make enough hemoglobin, which causes severe anemia. However because of the myriad of causes and underlying mechanism of anemia, the answer is more.

Alpha thalassemia major with hemoglobin bart's usually results in fatal hydrops fetalis.

Often there is mild to severe anemia (low red blood cells or hemoglobin). The most severe form of alpha thalassemia is called alpha thalassemia major or hydrops fetalis. This disorder may further lead to the excessive destruction of red blood cells, commonly known as anemia. Depending on the type of beta thalassemia.

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